A Plus Reporting

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Since its founding in 1993, A Plus Reporting has been providing services to clients not only in Connecticut but also all over the world with their reporting needs. In terms of providing high-quality certified court reporter services in Connecticut, we are committed to meeting the requirements of our customers at any time, in any location, and in any circumstance that may arise.

We are an organization that is managed by women and holds a great deal of pleasure in the job that we perform to provide assistance to the legal field. Building solid connections with one another is something that we place a high priority on. In order to provide the best possible service to our customers, we only work with the most reliable and extremely skilled individuals in the fields of court reporting, transcription, and videography. As a consequence of our dedication to this objective and our offer of continuous access to the very best resources that are available, we have developed a great many ties with customers and correspondents who have stood the test of time by being loyal to us.

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