Doctor Sand Limited

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Sand is a crucial and the most overused commodity for the developmental demands of India’s burgeoning urban population. With the growing shortages of river sand, the notoriety associated with illegal sand mining, and the dire consequences on the environment, M-sand is going to be the key driver for meeting the sand demand in the coming times. Doctorsand is India’s largest sand procurement platform. We are a B2B managed marketplace for construction materials with a focus on high-volume construction products under our own brands. We cater to both institutional customers (B2B) and retail outlets (B2B2C) in the construction materials sector. Doctor Sand ties up with contract manufacturers (known as ‘Cloudmills’) and convinces them to utilize their idle capacity for yield enhancement. Currently, we are expanding in India, based on demand concentration as well as proximity to supplies. Doctor Sand simplifies the choice and provides a complete solution. With our pan-India footprint of Cloudmills, you gain access to diverse material options, and market-driven pricing transparency. Our expertise in logistics and pre-tender estimations streamlines your operations, while our commitment to green building materials paves the way for a sustainable future.

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