Phipps Law Firm

Contact Information
571 Savannah Highway, South Carolina, 29407, USA
Detailed Information

Charleston DUI Attorney Edward L. Phipps is a former DUI officer who now represents individuals and families throughout Charleston and surrounding counties in South Carolina. Along with Attorney Mark Huber, they are dedicated and committed to exceptional service. The Phipps Law Firm is conveniently located in Charleston, SC serving all of Greater Charleston. Call us for your free and confidential consultation today, at 843-300-4444.

South Carolina is serious about DUI, DUAC convictions. DUI officers throughout the state have stepped up DUI enforcement and are actively pursuing arrests. A DUI conviction can mean life-altering ramifications and can even cost you your freedom in some cases. If you have been arrested for a DUI in the Tri-County area, you need the aggressiveness and experience of Charleston DUI defense lawyer Edward L. Phipps. You will need a DUI attorney who has experience on both sides of DUI cases. As former DUI officer, Charleston DUI Attorney Edward L. Phipps focuses on DUI enforcement and is very experienced in DUI enforcement and blood alcohol content testing procedures. Knowing the science and methods behind proving a DUI case allows DUI Attorney Phipps to effectively challenge the evidence, build your defense, and aggressively represent your case.

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