Managing, Building and marketing 5 Star Reputation



Take the “Google Test” to find out how your company does:  Type the phrase your customers type in to  research your company:
“Company name City Reviews” – Google tells you haw many reviews  and what your rating is – Compare this to your competition.


Try our company “ Lake Oswego Reviews” You will see our rating and something else – Video Thumbnails on google.


The bottom line and conclusion is:

  1. To build your reputation and traffic from customers looking for your services

    on line

    ,  you need great reviews from prior customers

  2. They way to get reviews is ask for them – you won’t get them from everyone, but you will get enough if you develop a system for doing that

  3. Once you get 5 Star Reviews from your customers create 5 Star Review Videos from them – so that when Video Thumbnails show up like above, customers will watch them for info about your company.


We can help you with both – Build your 5 Star Reputation with reviews AND 5 Star Review Videos – Here is an example of a 5 Star Review Video:


(Just click thumbnail or here to play)


The above videos are fast to produce, effective and affordable. Most importantly, they help you manage, build and market your reputation, which leads to increase sales.  (Click here to our website for more videos)


Just fill out “Request a Call”  to the right or call us to learn more.