So you spend all that money building a website, advertising your web site on Google, yahoo, bing, etc.
The visitors come to your web site and how long do they stay ?
When you type in “Length of visit an Average new visitor stays on website”.
Length of visitor staying on the page, varies by type of visitor. It can range from 15 seconds to 54 seconds. Most likely it will be under 45 seconds and they are gone
You need something to keep them engaged on you website. Video is the answer. In fact last week 94% of Internet visitors watched a video.
Below are screen shots of various types of businesses that have figured out having a video running on your home page or their prime landing page is the way to engage and captivate interest of their visitor.
(Videos can be played in lower section of page)
Your Video should have all the basics:
A headline to hook your viewers.
Restate the most common problem (The reason you think they are there)
Perhaps ask them a question, explain the features and benefits of dealing with your company.
Most importantly what to do and how to contact you – all in under 50 seconds.
With all the money you have paid for your website and the marketing dollars spent getting the visitors there, make sure you have some kind of video to capture you soon to be New Customers attention.
Custom Video Internet Commercial. We create a custom video commercial about your business. Includes spokes model, video, audio voice-over, pictures, music and copy production. Produced and sent to you via google docs as an .mp4 format. Royalty free copy and audio/video/music.