Join “Today’s Recommended Business”

Our New Style – Approximately 30 Seconds – Take Action Now Series

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JoinUs Youtube Video Ads

Why a Advertise on the Internet?

  • 80% of all computer users are on the internet.
  • You select age, income, time of day and Zip code where you place your Video Advertisement
  • We create your ad and run it for you.
  • Provide monthly reports with all of the information above (See sample reports below)
  • The bottom line here is adding New Customers/Clients/Patients
  • These are Month-To-Month – No Contract to sign (We only ask for a 30 day notice if you want to cancel)

We are advertising all types of businesses today:

  • Dentists
  • Pest control
  • Cleaning Services
  • Tree Services
  • Glass Repair
  • Drapery Company
  • Security Companies
  • Window Replacement Companies
  • Catering
  • Limousine Company
  • Roofing Company
  • Odor & Germ Control Company
  • Window Cleaning Company




“Our business customers have been looking for a New cost-effective  way to bring in New customers to their businesses – Google/YouTube Video ads is the answer!” –  Tom Brooks, founder of

 Learn More about our 5 Star Review Videos – examples and more: (Click Here) 

Our New Plan! (Limited Time Offer) – 

We have found that most customers want to not only run their ad on the Google/YouTube Network (Which we do for them) but they also would like a copy ASAP to start using on other social media i.e. Facebook, Linked, etc. So we reduced the price and time frame on the video advertisement, to get you a copy at the same time your ad runs on YouTube, rather than waiting 6 months.

  • $99.95 per month for 400 minimum Video Playback Ads to qualified prospects – Actual playbacks Not just Impressions
  • You tell us what zip codes (Up to 3) to run your business advertisement in, Age, Income of your prospect,  gender, to run your ad.
  • There is a one-time setup fee of $497 – (This includes your first month, set-up on google and the ad production itself). Allow us 7 business days to put your ad together. (You own the video advertisement – Our Basic Production – see below for samples)
  • No Contract to sign – These are month-to-month – Just give us a 30 days notice if you decide to cancel.


Happy Customer41


This is Power – Showing all Viewers of your ad – Demographic, area time watched, etc.

  1. How many Impressions your ad made compared to how many actual Views of the video.
  2. Audience Retention – How long did your ad get watched 25 – 50 – 75 or 100% of the time.
  3. Demographic age of actual viewers that watched  your ad.
  4. Video ad watched on Mobile – Tablet or Desktop
  5. Shows the zip code area your ad plays in on the a map.
  6. Day of the week and hour of the day your ad was viewed most – Light to dark for more.





 Learn More about our 5 Star Review Videos – examples and more: (Click Here) 




More Examples of our 40-50 Sec Video Commercials we produce for you and run on the Google/YouTube Network:


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